The DiGidot PxLNet Node is a powerful LED controller designed for the direct control of pixel strips, such as FLEX STRIP DIGITAL (pages 87-91, 118-121), FLEX TUBE DIGITAL (pages 311+323). The DiGidot PxLNet Node serves as an Art-Net Live interface for controlling up to 96 universes (49,152 channels or 16,384 RGB pixels) via SPI. In addition to directly controlling digital LEDs via SPI, the output can also be configured to support up to 16 DMX universes. The setup of the DiGidot PxLNet Node is conveniently done through a web browser. The DiGidot PxLNet Node is compatible with over 60 different types of digitally addressable LED/chip types. It's important to note that the DiGidot PxLNet Node functions solely as an interface and does not include control software. Separate Art-Net-compatible control software, such as MADRIX, ArKaos, etc., is necessary for operation.
- up to 96 Art-Net universes or 16 DMX universes - up to 49.152 channels (SPI outputs) or 8192 DMX channels - suitable for FLEX STRIP DIGITAL (page 87-91, 118-121), FLEX TUBE DIGITAL (page 311+323) - compatible with over 60 digitally addressable LED/chip types - connection with Art-Net via ethernet cable - configuration via web browser - separate Art-Net compatible software for control and programming required - For installation in 19-inch cabinets - The DiGidot Transceiver are not included in the package and must be ordered separately.
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